Posts in Sellers
Tips on Selling your Home

When it is time to put your house on the market, I will go through your house with you to help you get it ready by offering my professional advice. In the meantime, there are a couple of things you can start doing to prepare. I know from experience that if you follow these tips you will have an advantage over most of the competition already on the market. A sharp "turn-key" home sells faster and for more money!

Do as many of the following as you can prior to the first showing:

Living Areas: 

  •  Clear all unnecessary objects/clutter throughout the house. Keep decorative objects on the furniture to a minimum.

  •  Rearrange or remove furniture if the room seems full. When it comes to selling we need to make the rooms appear as large as possible.

  •  Re-paint rooms that need attention.

  •  Clean all the windows, inside and out.

  •  Be sure that all curtains/drapes and the carpets are clean.

  •  Remove dated wallpaper and re-paint, preferably with a neutral color.

  •  Check all light bulbs and clean fixtures, make sure they all work properly.

  •  Re-grout tiles in kitchens and bathrooms, it's relatively inexpensive and gives everything a fresh new look.

  •  Repair any leaking/dripping faucets.

  •  Check the caulking around tubs and showers and replace it where needed.

  •  Replace or clean shower curtains.

  •  In bathrooms, keep only necessities on counters, and matching towels always add a nice touch!

  •  Creaking floors can turn off buyers, especially in townhouses, condos, or second story homes. Get the floors checked out and fix any problem areas.

  •  Clean and wax the floors throughout your home.

  •  All appliances (refrigerator, stove, sinks, etc.) should be spotless and clear of pictures and magnets

  •  Clean the exterior of the heating/cooling unit and compartment.

  •  Tidy up your closets, and remove seasonal clothing to make the closet look more spacious. All clothes should be neatly hung and shoes in place. Yes, buyers do look in your closets!


  •  Keep lawns mowed and trimmed. Replace dead plants and trim shrubs, a gardener may be a great investment during the sale process.

  •  Check all faucets and sprinklers, make sure the sprinkler system works fine.

  •  Repair any torn screens or cracked glass, replace in necessary.

  •  Paint or touch up exterior of home where needed, especially the entry area. Hose down any dirt, spots, cobwebs or any other debris.

  •  Plant colorful flowers, or bright plants in the garden area. A nice color bowl on the front porch is a good idea if there is room.

  •  Clean the driveway.

  •  Repair any bubbling or cracking stucco.

  •  Eliminate clutter from view, which means any toys, garden tools, bicycles, etc.

  •  If you have a pool or jacuzzi/spa , keep them clean and make sure they sparkle.

  •  Keep the patio neat.

  •  Take a walk around the perimeter and make sure to declutter, discard debris and make sure everything is clean and neat.


  •  Clean up the garage as much as possible, maintain it neat and tidy.

  •  If you want top dollar and have too much stuff inside the house or garage, consider a rental storage area.

Showing Procedures and Tips:

  • Some people are afraid of pets, so attend to your own. It is helpful to move your pets into a kennel or have them stay with friends during this process, and if that is not an option, make sure to have them separated during showings.

  •  Unpleasant odors can lose a sale. Try carpet cleaning or carpet freshener if needed, sprinkle cinnamon over oven burners just before showing, bake cookies or fresh bread, or try a drop of vanilla on a light bulb under a lamp shade.

  •  Open drapes during the day and allow natural light inside. This will make rooms seem larger.

  •  A well-lit home shows better, so for the entire showing, make sure all lights remain on.

  •  If you have a fireplace, always have it lit to show it works. Even during the summer!

  •  Soft background music is always a good idea for showings, have a radio playing in the background

  •  A lot of buyers are turned off by the odor of smoking. If you are a long-time smoker, you are not as sensitive to the odor. Try to smoke outside your home and always air out the house before a showing.

  •  Buyers feel more comfortable looking at a home without the owners present. Whenever possible, leave prior to the showing or find an excuse to leave during.

  •  Have a and electronic lockbox on your home, this will make it easier for agents to show your home and will track who is entering your home.

  •  Leave the thermostat at a comfortable temperature.

  •  Have all the carpets vacuumed prior to a showing.

  •  Make sure the kitchen is clean and tidy. Wash all dirty dishes, clean countertops and put away all food.

  •  Make sure all the rooms are neat and picked up. Make the beds, remove dirty laundry and put everything in its place. 

The process of selling a home is not an easy one. You need to have your home ready for a showing (sometimes on a very short notice), but in order to increase your chances for selling please take these recommendations to heart. The better your home shows, the faster it will sell!

SellersChase Boulineau